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Paul McIntyre

Hey Dave,
As always thank you for what you do to keep us all growing in the right direction.
Regarding the changes; I have been a faithful M.C. user for many years.
Since joining the "updates" function and getting your "feed blitz", I have read more pieces in the last month from you than in all my past visits to the site combined...
Most of us are too busy to go to CMPS, MMG, M.C., KT, etc. etc to keep up with new tools and information from each of you...but when I get a blast from one of you, I scan it quickly if it is pertinent I take immediate action or move it to do later. Either way, your message is delivered.
I personally feel that if you move it back to the site alone, our bed together will grow cold again...and I KNOW you don't want that ;-)
Much love,

Mike Mullin

Dave, since I'm a MC member I'm biased - focus on "how to" posts specific to the MC tool. How to market, how to create proposals, etc. Real time stuff that works.

If you do this it won't matter whether the blog is password protected or not - so leave it open to the public. MC members will get what they need and anyone else that wants to peak can. They'll still need to purchase MC to use any of the strategies you'll post.

Thanks for listening!

Clint Anderson

Hi Dave;

I really enjoy your product. It has been the saving grace in several transactions as far as putting things on 1 clear and understandable form. I have felt that the website kind of takes away from the value. When I pay my fee to use the software, that is really all I am getting. Anyone can get on the website and get all of the training and strategy ideas. I have always thought my money would be well justified if the content was membership protected. It would also allow mortgage coach users to have a better advantage over the competition. When you pay for something to set you apart, and the competition has free access to the info, it some what taints the purpose. Please don't get me wrong, I am not bitter or upset, I just think my money is better spent in this membership protection situation. I like the idea of having savage insites be membership protected.

Susan Rogers, CMPS

David Walden has the right idea. By all means promote MC via a "teaser paragraph" but make the details available to the membership. Whatever you do, though, don't discontinue the blog, the Coaching Forum and all the training in the form of those terrific conference calls. When I get notice of any new content regarding use of the software or the Marketing Machine, I drop everything to listen in. That rather recent addition has educated me more than anything else on the many ways MC and MCMM can be used to set myself apart from the crowd. Thanks for everything you and the MC staff do for us, your loyal members!

Ed Gray

Hi David:

I very much appreciate your blog. I login every few days to see if there is new comtent. The case studies are extremely valuable. Of course, to implement any of the strategies brought forward in the case stidies you must be a MC member. Thus, I believe the blog should be available to MC members only.

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