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kelly mccray

We can't forget "Think and Grow Rich"! also, I recently read "The Four Agreements" it was a very simple summary of what you are always talking about.


Joseph Michelli

Dave, I just wanted to thank you for the EXTREMELY kind words about my book - The Starbucks Experience. Your thoughtfulness and recommendation is very important. Thank you again for your reflections. My best to you in 2007! Joseph Michelli, author of The Starbucks Experience

David Childers

Dave, you’re the master of finding great resources and sharing them.

Another Starbucks book that I would add to the list is “Pour your heart into it: How Starbucks built a company one cup at a time” it’s the story of Howard Shultz and how he built the company. This book really goes into the “why” of Starbucks philosophy, and you get a glimpse of Shultz’s determination, drive and will to make the company one of a kind.

It was one of those life changing books for me.

Again Dave, thanks for Sharing! David Childers

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