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Jonathan Klein

Hi Dave,

I love this idea -- Here is a link to a video I just created

Jonathan Klein, CMPS, CDPP
(954) 428-4552 (o)
(561) 212-9226 (c)
A Certified Mortgage & Divorce Planning Practice

Chik Quintans

This is a great application. I have been using a Mac application called Snapz Pro and my clients love it. Saves a lot of back and forth time with the client in addition to making a cool impression.

Chik Quintans


SnapzPro is a Mac application however Quicktime may be viewed on both Macs and Windows machines. Just need the player (link below).

I like this because there is no time limit (file can be large, however it is compressed for download). Also, once downloaded internet connection is not needed.

Here are two links to download a sample presentation. This is the presentation:

Here is a link to download the Quicktime player for Mac or Windows. Many folks have this already especially if they have iTunes.

I love your ideas of showing case studies and sample reports to strategic partners as well as orphaned mortgages. I'm going to put something together and implement these ideas. Add it to the list:-)


Dave Savage

Thank you Jonathan and Chik for your contributions to this experiment! My goal over the next 4 days is to encourage and inspire others create and post 20 personal video's. Jonathan, I loved your video showcasing the Marketing Machine. I would also love to watch and listen to you sharing an actual Divorce Plan with a partner explaining the value of your advice.
Given my ambitious goal I am going my best to lead by example so I have created two more video's of my own.

I create this one first thing this morning>>>

And I just finsihed the day with this one>>>


This is a great idea of attracting your customers. And by making a customized video about your business you could have better effect on your customers. Thanks for sharing this.


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