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David Walden

I just heard this and it was extremely valuable. McQuaig is great. He always gets me thinking about new stuff.

Clint Anderson

Hi Dave;

I really enjoy your product. It has been the saving grace in several transactions as far as putting things on 1 clear and understandable form. I have felt that the website kind of takes away from the value. When I pay my fee to use the software, that is really all I am getting. Anyone can get on the website and get all of the training and strategy ideas. I have always thought my money would be well justified if the content was membership protected. It would also allow mortgage coach users to have a better advantage over the competition. When you pay for something to set you apart, and the competition has free access to the info, it some what taints the purpose. Please don't get me wrong, I am not bitter or upset, I just think my money is better spent in this membership protection situation. I like the idea of having savage insites be membership protected.

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